Bachelor Recap: Trust No Jed!

By Juliana Marie Swift

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.

Feelings are developing fast on this “Bachelor” spin-off, so let’s get right into it. It’s week two and we already see some rather solid couples forming, and the strongest ones are Bri and Chris, Danny and Bekah, and Jamie and Trevor. 

Chris Harrison came in and told everyone that new girls would be coming in throughout the week. He then put down the date card and said, “As always, listen to your hearts.” Do we think he gets paid extra every time he says it? 

Jamie received the first date card of the week and chose to take Trevor on the date. Honestly, I found this to be a little unfair considering: one, Jamie was already on a date a few days ago (with Ryan), and two, her and Trevor already had a pretty solid connection. You’d think production would give the date card to a couple who might need more time together to figure things out, but here we are.  

For their date, they went to Venice Beach and had to perform a song on the boardwalk. We saw Jamie struggling with her confidence again; it honestly seemed like she hasn’t performed in public a lot or maybe she was just nervous to perform with Trevor. While I found it nice that they had a relatively “normal” date, it seemed like production kind of threw this together last minute. I mean, last week the dates were at THE Capitol Records and a private concert with the Plain White T’s. I loved that it was at Venice Beach and that they were just doing normal musician-couple things, but they only sang ONE song. Also, I’m all for PDA, but the French kissing in front of a crowd of people was a little much for me personally. 

Trevor and Jamie on a date. // Photo Credit: ABC

Trevor and Jamie on a date. // Photo Credit: ABC

I am still not a Trevor fan––he just gives me bad vibes, to be honest, and I do not trust him at all. They sang “Girl Crush” by Little Big Town, and it was pretty good; it definitely felt like it was more her style than his. But I do have some questions. What happened to the money they collected in the guitar case while singing? Did it go to production? Another boardwalk performer? A charity? Did it pay for their dinner? 

As the two got to the next portion of their date – champagne in the hot tub – they started to have a conversation about past relationships. Now, pay attention here. Jamie told Trevor that everyone she has ever been with has cheated on her, which was genuinely heartbreaking. When Trevor started to explain his last relationship, he said things ended because they just “weren’t compatible.” We soon learned that this was not the whole truth. In her interview gushing about Trevor on their date, Jamie said, “Nothing could go wrong…,” and back at the mansion, in walked Natascha. 

Natascha is a self-proclaimed diva who is most definitely the “I’m not here to make friends” girl, and I love that for her. She means business. She was the first new girl to come in, so automatically all of the girls were a little suspicious and intimidated. When she asked who else was there that she hadn’t met yet, they told her about Trevor and Jamie and she explained that she actually knew Trevor. She’s the best friend of his ex-girlfriend. The same ex-girlfriend he was just telling Jamie about in the hot tub. 

Natascha dropped a bomb and told everyone that Trevor cheated on and lied to his ex-girlfriend, and she was determined to confront him about this as soon as he returned from his date with Jamie. She did just that without missing a beat. As soon as Jamie and Trevor got back from their date, Natascha told Trevor she knows him and she’d like to have a chat with him.

Natascha confronts Trevor. // Photo Credit: ABC

Natascha confronts Trevor. // Photo Credit: ABC

She got right to the point and was not messing around, and I loved it. They sat down and when she told him she knows his ex, you could tell he knew he was in trouble. He denied it at first and did the whole, “You don’t know my side of the story,” spiel, and Natascha was not having it. He was showing some serious red flags. He kept trying to come up with excuses for why he lied and cheated, but there are no excuses. How can you justify cheating on someone? He admitted to lying to and emotionally cheating on his ex-girlfriend, and I would like to take a second here to say: EMOTIONAL. CHEATING. IS. STILL. CHEATING. It is as bad as, if not sometimes worse than physically cheating. 

The rest of the girls in the house at this point filled in Jamie on what Natascha told them, and as expected, Jamie broke down. She looked crushed, to say the least. Especially since they had just had a conversation about this same relationship a couple of hours earlier, and he had failed to mention the whole truth. If Trevor had just been honest and open with Jamie from the get-go, maybe she would have handled it better. When Natascha asked Trevor if he was going to tell Jamie, he said that was his intent the whole time. Trevor, if that was your intent “the whole time,” then why didn’t you just tell her when she asked you in the first place? 

Trevor and Jamie barely talked about it, but Jamie came to the conclusion that she wants this to work between the two of them so she’s going to trust him. Personally, I do not trust this Jed 2.0 and Jamie shouldn’t either. She is clearly ignoring tons of red flags.

The next date card arrived and it was for Bri. She walked over to Chris, got down on one knee, and asked him to go on the date with her––of course, he accepted. These two are actually really cute and seem to have a genuine connection. For their date, they had an entire Guitar Center to themselves and got to play around with all of the instruments they wanted. I’m not going to lie, when they started playing and writing a song on the spot, it was a little cringy, but still cute. 

They started having a conversation and Bri finally opened up about her past engagement; the story is honestly heartbreaking and terrifying. She was engaged and finally found her wedding dress. Then, when she told her fiance she found the dress, he called her immediately and told her not to buy it. He ended it there. I feel like hearing that is everyone’s worst fear.

Bri and Chris on a date. // Photo Credit: ABC

Bri and Chris on a date. // Photo Credit: ABC

With all of that being said, I like Bri a lot; she seems genuinely ready for love again. And at the end of their date, they both admitted that they were falling for each other, which was precious. Then they whisper-sang, “Can’t Help Falling In Love,” which was very sweet and endearing. They seem to have the most real connection so far. 

Another date card arrived the next morning, and this time it was for Sheridan. He obviously chose Julia because he is all in for her; however, she still has some lingering feelings for Brandon, and apparently, so do a lot of the other girls. I honestly am confused as to why so many girls are into Brandon. To me, he seems kind of like a player. But anyway, Julia and Sheridan went on their date and Sheridan had high hopes to solidify their relationship, and keep Brandon out of the picture for good. 

Their date was to iHeart Radio studios, and they walked in on a live radio broadcast with Valentine in the Morning. After talking for a little, Valentine asked them to sing a song live on the radio. They sang a song called, “The Bones” by Maren Morris and you could just tell that Sheridan was clearly more into Julia than she was into him. He was literally looking at her like she was the greatest thing he’d ever seen or heard. Get yourself a guy that looks at you the way Sheridan looked at Julia. However, it was bittersweet because we knew that she still had feelings for Brandon; she just can’t seem to see a good thing when it’s right in front of her. 

Sheridan and Julia on a date. // Photo Credit: ABC

Sheridan and Julia on a date. // Photo Credit: ABC

Back at the mansion, Matt and Rudi reconciled from their blowup the other night. She apologized for how strongly she reacted, and he basically said it’s no big deal and sort of half apologized, too. 

Then two new girls walked in and we didn’t learn much about them, except that they’re both attracted to Brandon. I truly must be missing something because I really don’t understand why this man is such a hot commodity. He said he’s still keeping his options open, but it’s week two of six, Brandon––time to get your act together and commit. Brandon and Mel shared a rather awkward conversation, and she said she wanted to spend more time getting to know him. Almost immediately after, Savannah got the date card and, naturally, took Brandon on the date. 

After that, Mel dramatically ran away from the group and had a breakdown. I empathize with her because I feel like we’ve all been there. At the same time, she can do much better than him. 

Savannah is one of my faves, but to be completely honest, her and Brandon’s date was rather uneventful. They were at a really famous Jazz Bar in LA and sang “Fever,” and while you could tell they had chemistry, I just think she’s too good for him. 

Then, back at the mansion, Sheridan and Julia came back from their date and Sheridan was absolutely smitten. He was so sure that they were solid, but Julia was still interested in Brandon and was extremely jealous when she found out he was on a date with Savannah. 

The next morning, Julia practically broke Sheridan’s heart when she told him that she wanted to keep things open and still pursue Brandon. Sheridan was so hurt it was painful; he clearly cares about Julia a lot and it is just not reciprocated. He started blaming himself for coming on too strong, and I wanted to scream, “Sheridan, it’s not your fault! There’s no such thing as loving too much!” But that could’ve just been the hopeless romantic in me. 

Now, onto the cocktail party and rose ceremony. The men were the ones giving out the roses, so three girls were going to be sent home. But a lot of them felt like they were on the chopping block because they didn’t have extremely solid connections like Chris and Bri or Danny and Bekah. I’m still mad about the lack of Danny and Bekah content this episode, but I digress. 

Mel went to talk to Brandon and this whole scene gave me such second-hand embarrassment. When they kissed, I cringed so hard. It was so one-sided and looked way too intense in comparison to the conversation they were having. Brandon was just not into it at all, which made me feel bad for Mel. 

Julia talked to Brandon next and when he admitted that he had stronger feelings for Savannah, Julia started to get a little shady and said she just didn’t see that. All while his hand is on her leg, he said he cares for Savannah and he’s sure Julia cares for Sheridan. Julia admitted she does, but that she needed to do what’s best for herself and this is where we had yet another uncomfortable kiss. I now have three people on this show I do not trust and they are: Trevor, Brandon, and Julia. 

Moving on, Natascha and Ryan actually seemed to have a bit of a connection, not just because she was desperate for his rose. They seemed genuinely intrigued by each other and had a very hot, heavy, and unexpected makeout session on the couch. On what seemed to be the same couch, just a few minutes later, we saw Rudi and Ryan. Now, this felt desperate. She kissed him and it was so aggressive; she regretted it immediately after it happened. She started crying because she actually wanted to kiss Matt.

At this point in the night, Rudi seemed extremely drunk. I’m talking, could barely keep her eyes open or walk straight, type of drunk. Rudi and Matt sat down for a conversation and they were honestly so chaotic, but it kind of worked. He admitted to her that he only said he was into other girls to rile her up and it clearly worked. She then sort of slapped his face/neck as a joke, and they both laughed and kissed right after. Such chaotic energy, but they really do seem like the perfect match. 

When it was time for the men to hand out the roses, Julia was way too confident that she was getting Brandon’s rose. So confident, that she started crying because she was worried about how Sheridan would take the heartbreak of seeing her accepting Brandon’s rose. 

Chris gave his rose to Bri, Trevor gave his to Jamie, Matt to Rudi, Ryan to Natascha, Danny to Bekah, Brandon to Savannah, Gabe to Ruby, and Sheridan gave his to Julia. When they were all back together, Brandon hugged Julia and said he’s glad she’s still around so they can have more time to figure everything out. Excuse me, Brandon – everything is figured out. You chose Savannah, now let Sheridan live happily ever after with his love, Julia. 

Tune in next week when we will have all-star Bachelor alumni, JoJo and Jordan, judge the couples’ performances and chemistry alongside Kesha and Jason Mraz. Yes, you read that right: Kesha. It’s about to go down, and I’m really looking forward to it. 

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