Spring Cleaning Your Space During Quarantine

By: Kimberly Burton

The transition to being at home all day can be difficult, especially if it’s a space you don’t usually occupy. Perhaps you haven’t lived at home in months or years, or you’re realizing how small your apartment feels. 

As you’re sitting cross-legged on your bed on a Zoom call, you might be looking at your bursting closet, packed makeup organizers, or a cluttered desk. You might’ve realized you have too many books to read or you somehow ended up with six different kinds of lotion. 

After moving home, I personally went through my entire room––finding forgotten pieces of clothing, beauty products, and even art supplies from my years in college and high school. I was overwhelmed with what I was going to do with all of it. 

If you’re looking for ideas of where to start with your organizing, I’ve compiled a list of tips to make the task less daunting. 

Beauty/Body Products

Get rid of expired products

Any products that are broken or old can be thrown out. Products that don’t smell the same or have separated are usually a telltale sign of needing a toss. If you’re unsure, check this guide

Create a “use me” bin

You can set aside a container where you drop partially used and forgotten products. Need hand lotion or shampoo? Check the container before you go buy something new, and use what you have first!

Give to a friend or family member

If a certain product didn’t work for you or it’s new in a package, you can pass it along. This isn’t recommended for used makeup, but the half-used body wash or dry shampoo? Go for it.

Donate to a women’s shelter:

See if local shelters are collecting donations now or plan to after COVID-19. New items such as pads, tampons, deodorant, and other hygiene products can be in high demand. If you’re on campus, organizations such as Women Against Abuse on Broad Street and Mercy Hospice both accept donations. 


Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash

(Virtual) Clothing Swap

Have family or friends in similar sizes? You can have an in-person (with those you’re quarantining with only––because of social distancing) or a digital clothing swap on Zoom. You can either find new pieces or just pass along items you don’t want. 


Beyond swapping, donating, or selling online, you can also use your DIY skills. From making face masks with old fabric, to altering pieces to better fit your style, to creating a quilt with old cherished t-shirts, there are plenty of options! 


Some organizations may still be taking donations, but you can set aside these items for your local thrift store. New or lightly used bras can be donated to I Support the Girls. Organizations like Dress for Success, which gives job searching women interview clothing, may be in dire need of items after quarantine ends.


Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Donate glasses

Do you have old frames lying around? Programs like the Lions Club Recycle for Sight program collect glasses for people in developing countries. They have drop boxes nationwide to visit when quarantine is over. You can check out their website to connect with local chapters and find boxes near you. 

Find a new use for old tech

Multiple organizations take old phones, mp3 players, and accessories to fund their organizations. This includes the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence or the 1Million Project Foundation, which provides help to low-income high school students. 

Find a new home for your books

If you have a few books you no longer want, use them to stock a Little Library near you. You can also set them aside and find programs to provide books for nursing facilities, prisons, and children in need. 

No matter what you’re looking to declutter, there are plenty of options to find your items the best new home. 

Have any more cleanout suggestions? Share them with us @refine.magazine on Instagram.

REFINE Magazine