15 of the Most Iconic Boss Babe Tweets from Temple Gals
15 of the Most Iconic Boss Babe Tweets from Temple Gals
Go ahead, try and convince us that Temple gals don’t have the best tweets. We’ll wait.
Article by Delaney Mills
Let’s face it, scrolling on Twitter during class, before bed, and every other time of the day is easily the most entertaining pastime. Whether it’s the next viral meme, a dog running in the snow, or a moment of girl empowerment, Twitter has become an app where everyone can find content that they love. I searched Twitter for the most iconic tweets that the ladies of Temple University came up with, and it’s safe to say I found some gems.
I tried to splurge on a weighted blanket on Black Friday and they sold out immediately, rude. I guess a guy is the next best thing.
A modern day heartbreak. It hurts even worse when you’ve been saving your bomb outfit for this exact moment and he doesn’t even notice.
Every. Single. Temple student. Can relate to this pain.
Please tell me I’m not the only girl that still freezes up when talking to cute single boys.
I need this reminder every time I go to rant about my life on finsta. Because I’m better than that.
Feeling like you don’t know what you want to do with your life is scary, but just remember, we’re all in this together.
Sometimes Twitter can get kind of toxic, and tweets like this one remind me how important it is to spread those ~good vibes~.
There is a special place in heaven for girls that have your back like this. I learned everything I know from Twitter threads.
This Temple gal went viral with a tweet that made me little bit jealous that I still haven’t upgraded from my childhood twin bed.
Watching hard working girls succeed is debatably the best part of having Twitter. I need this kind of girl boss energy on my timeline.
Let’s face it, your man is usually wrong. That time he wore a bucket hat out is only one example.
But on the rare occasion that he’s right, we’re so thankful for his good judgement.
And then they go back to being wrong again.
Sometimes it really is the little things that remind us we are still on track and accomplishing big things.
This is the boost of confidence we all needed to hear. And this is why Twitter can be so amazing.